District 126 School Board


I grew up in Zion, graduated from ZBTHS then attended the University of Wisconsin – Parkside where I earned a BA in Business Administration. Fifteen years later I returned to that campus and completed a major in Computer Science. 

My working history is varied – accountant, production foreman at Johns-Manville, application developer at J I Case, and finally working in IT at Abbott Laboratories as a Senior Database Administrator. 

After retiring from Abbott I wanted to keep busy so I began attending City Council meetings, and then School Board meetings. As a taxpayer I wanted to understand what was driving my taxes up. After attending School Board meeting I was hooked! The work that goes into running a school district is fascinating.

District 126 is fiscally responsible, receives outstanding audits and has a rich, diversitifed curriculum. With a background in accounting I understand budgets, will maintain fiscal responsibility and help the district strive towards academic excellence.

Vega, Kathy, Shemi

In my spare time I train for dog sports and am an amateur photographer. Currently 3 Belgian Shepherds share my home and keep me busy with agility, herding, obedience, rally, conformation and, occasionally, tracking. We train frequently, trial occasionally and laugh a lot.