District 126 School Board


Academic Excellence

A good education is the best gift we can give a child. ZBTHS has a rich, diversified curriculum and a Superintendent who wants to take the school from Good to Great and then to Exceptional. His target, with a goal date of 2025, is a 90% graduation rate, 90% of the graduates will have a plan for their futures, 90% attendance and 90% teacher retention.

There are many factors affecting academic performance. Some of these are high motility, high crime and low income. The District’s response has been to identify students in need, then provide them with intervention specialists and counseling.

My goal will be to help the district optimize the students’ education while remaining within budget.

Zee-Bee Pride - 2020 Graduates

Fiscal Responsibility

ZBTHS recieves excellent audit reports. The funding for the Performing Arts Center was planned in advance (almost 8 years of planning, saving and investing). The project was finished on time, in scope, on budget and without loans and their associated fees. The Natatorium, which is under construction, is fully funded. For the last 4 years the Distrct has decreased it’s tax levy.

My goal will be continue the trend of decreasing the tax levy while managing revenues wisely.

Improved Communications

Almost 2500 students attend ZBTHS. They comprise 5% of the population of Zion, Beach Park and Winthrop Harbor. The entire community could be invested in them, their activities and their futures. Lets make it easier for all residents, whether or not they have children, to know when there are sporting events, plays, concerts and school board meetings. And encourage them to attend.

Cooperation between Taxing Bodies

The District 126 is working with the Park District to draw up a schedule which will allow the Park District to offer classes in the new Natatorium. This is the perfect way to optimize the use of resources and share costs. I would love to see the Park District partner with the District to offer acting and drama classes during the summer in the Performing Arts Center.